Protection of consumer rights on bank loans and services

How we working

NEWLEX company will protect your rights as a consumer of banking services.
You are not a victim of the bank - and we will prove it.

Protection of your rights in case of their violation by the bank

We will prove the illegality of the bank's refusal to refinance or provide credit holidays, accrual of delays, imposition of services and other violations

Settlement of disputes with a financial institution

We will help resolve the dispute both in pre-trial and in court, terminate the contract, recover moral damages and a penalty from the bank


We will consider the loan agreement, analyze it from the side of profitability for the client, inform about violations, answer all questions for free

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Heads of our team's directions

Gravirov Nikolai

Managing Partner

Experience more than 15 years


Paleyeva Maria

Chief Specialist in Judicial Work

Experience more than 6 years


Tatiana Soyuzova

Partner in the accounting field

Experience more than 25 years


Vladimir Bogdanov

Director of Sales and Marketing Department

Experience more than 7 years


Clients and partners


Protection of the rights of consumers of banking services in Moscow is required by individuals more and more often. It seems that the bank's employees have some kind of regulation, according to which they:

  • they push unfavorable credit conditions,
  • do not stop imposing additional services,
  • they refuse to grant a loan without legal grounds,
  • refuse to grant tax holidays,
  • refuse to refinance or restructure, add interest or days of delay that have come from nowhere, and in other ways violate the consumer interests of their clients.

Every citizen has the right to independently defend their interests and rights when faced with a violation. He can write appeals to:

  • court,
  • Bank of Russia,
  • The Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Protection, the Commissioner for the Rights of Consumers of Services,
  • The All-Russian Union of Insurers,
  • CPS and other organizations.

However, in practice, only a qualified lawyer can wade through these thorns and achieve the exercise of the legal rights of his principal. The cost of protecting the rights of consumers of financial services is low, while you get the opportunity to go about your business while a specialist draws up documents, appeals, lawsuits, negotiates with a financial institution and provides you with assistance in other ways.

In addition, the costs of legal support in case of a win can be recovered from the defendant.

By law, you can seek:

  • changes or termination of legal relations,
  • compensation for losses,
  • penalty recovery,
  • compensation for moral damage from a banking organization that violated your rights as a consumer of services.

Do not become a victim, protect yourself and your financial well-being from unfair encroachments. Otherwise, you risk falling into exhausting financial bondage or bringing the case to bankruptcy. For consultation with our lawyer, be sure to bring the contract you have already signed or proposed for signing. This will help the specialist to decide on:

  • credit conditions,
  • the presence of imposed additional services,
  • compliance with the law,
  • benefits and risks for you as a consumer,
  • the presence or absence of violations,
  • the complexity and, accordingly, the cost of doing business.

A good lawyer always tries to negotiate with a banking organization peacefully - through mediation, negotiations. This is an attempt to save time and effort for the client, preventing the development of a judicial conflict.

However, banks rarely compromise. Therefore, the appeal to the courts is the next stage of the proceedings. Banks always have their own legal department. Butting heads with him on your own, without being savvy in law, is a lost cause.

Our lawyer is an experienced specialist in the issue of banking services. He has a legal and financial education, so he can guarantee a deep knowledge of the nuances of banking. Banks are cashing in on citizens with a low level of financial literacy. Do not let this happen, contact NewLex for protection of your interests.

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